Eliminate SEO Conflicts: Understanding What Is Keyword Cannibalization

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Ever stumbled upon the term “keyword cannibalization” and wondered what it’s all about? Well, you’re not alone. It’s a concept that many digital marketers and content creators encounter, yet it often remains shrouded in mystery. At its core, keyword cannibalization occurs when your website’s content competes against itself in search engine rankings, diluting the potential impact of your SEO efforts.

Understanding keyword cannibalization is crucial for maintaining a healthy, SEO-friendly website. It’s about recognizing when too much of a good thing becomes detrimental. You might be unintentionally sabotaging your own success by targeting the same keywords across multiple pages or posts. Let’s dive deeper into what keyword cannibalization means for your online presence and how you can identify and fix it to enhance your site’s performance.

Key Takeaways

  • Keyword cannibalization occurs when multiple pages of a website target the same keyword, causing them to compete against each other in search results, which can weaken the site’s SEO performance.
  • This phenomenon can lead to decreased page authority, split backlink profiles, confusion for users, reduced conversion rates, and lower search rankings.
  • Identifying keyword cannibalization involves analyzing keyword rankings using SEO tools, reviewing website content for overlapping topics or purposes, and understanding the intent behind targeted keywords.
  • Preventing and resolving keyword cannibalization can be achieved through creating a comprehensive keyword strategy, regularly updating the keyword plan, consolidating similar content into a single authoritative page, and redirecting duplicate content to the most relevant page.
  • Implementing these measures not only enhances SEO but also improves user experience by making it easier for visitors to find the information they need, thus potentially increasing engagement and conversions on the site.

What is Keyword Cannibalization

Understanding the intricacies of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for every digital marketing agency aiming to help their clients rise to the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). One such SEO intricacy is keyword cannibalization, a counterproductive phenomenon that could be sabotaging your efforts without you even realizing it.


Keyword cannibalization isn’t as menacing as it sounds, but it’s a common pitfall many fall into. Simply put, keyword cannibalization occurs when multiple pages or posts on your website target the same keyword or phrase. This internecine competition diverts traffic, authority, and conversion opportunities away from a potentially dominant page to less relevant ones. Instead of having a unified, strong presence for a particular search query, your website ends up fighting against itself.

How Does Keyword Cannibalization Occur

Keyword cannibalization can sneak up on you, especially if you’ve taken a “more is better” approach to content creation without a strategic plan. It often happens unintentionally:

  • Duplicate Content: You may have created multiple posts or pages over time, targeting the same topic or keyword, not realizing they could end up competing.
  • SEO Over-Optimization: In an effort to rank for specific terms, you might over-optimize several pieces of content for the same keywords.
  • Lack of Content Hierarchy: Without a clear content hierarchy or structure, search engines might struggle to identify which page is the most important for a given keyword, leading to cannibalization.

Understanding how it occurs is the first step in correcting course and ensuring your marketing efforts aren’t being diluted.

Examples of Keyword Cannibalization

To further illustrate, let’s look at some examples:

  • Marketing Agency Blog Posts: Suppose a marketing agency has published multiple blog posts optimized for the keyword “best marketing strategies”. Instead of one post standing out, all the posts compete with each other, reducing the impact of what could have been a single, authoritative piece.
  • Service Pages: A consultancy website might have separate pages for similar services like “SEO marketing services” and “SEO services”. These pages can end up cannibalizing each other since they target highly similar keywords.

Spotting and addressing keyword cannibalization is fundamental to crafting a website that’s not just SEO-friendly, but also poised to capture and convert traffic effectively. Remember, it’s not just about getting visitors to your site but guiding them to the right pages within your site.

The Impact of Keyword Cannibalization

Understanding the impact of keyword cannibalization is essential for any digital marketer or content manager. This phenomenon can significantly hamper your site’s ability to rank on search engines and, consequently, attract your target audience. Let’s delve into how keyword cannibalization affects SEO ranking and user experience.

SEO Ranking

Keyword cannibalization isn’t just a fancy term—it’s a critical issue that can negatively affect your website’s SEO performance. When you have multiple pages competing for the same keywords, search engines struggle to determine which page is the most relevant. This internal competition dilutes the authority of your pages, often leading to lower search rankings for all the involved pages.

Here’s what tends to happen:

  • Decreased Page Authority: Instead of having one strong page, you spread your credibility thin across several weaker pages.
  • Split Backlink Profile: Backlinks are a key ranking factor. With several competing pages, your backlinks are divided, reducing the potential impact on your site’s authority.
  • Reduced Conversion Rates: Traffic that should be concentrated on a single, authoritative page is spread out, often resulting in lower conversions from each page.

For agencies and businesses focusing on their digital marketing efforts, understanding and addressing keyword cannibalization can lead to better rankings and more focused SEO strategies.

Confusion for Users

Apart from SEO, keyword cannibalization can significantly impact user experience. When users search for information and find multiple pages from the same website in their search results, it can create confusion. They may wonder:

  • Which page is the most relevant to their needs?
  • Why is there redundant information across different pages?

This confusion can lead to frustration, potentially driving visitors away from your site in search of clearer, more concise information. For marketing agencies aiming to optimize their client’s user experience, tackling keyword cannibalization is crucial. It’s about streamlining content in a way that enhances the user’s journey, making it straightforward and hassle-free. When users can easily find the information they’re looking for, they’re more likely to engage with the content, share it, or make a purchase, depending on the nature of your website.

Addressing keyword cannibalization involves revising content and implementing strategic SEO practices to ensure that each page has a unique, focused keyword set. This not only improves SEO performance but also clarifies the navigation path for users, making your website more intuitive and user-friendly.

Identifying Keyword Cannibalization

Identifying keyword cannibalization is crucial for maintaining the health of your website’s SEO strategy. It’s about recognizing when multiple pages on your site are competing for the same search queries, which can significantly dilute your search engine effectiveness. By efficiently spotting and addressing these issues, you ensure your website remains a strong contender in search engine result pages (SERPs).

Analyzing Keyword Rankings

The first step in identifying keyword cannibalization involves analyzing your keyword rankings. This process is not just about seeing where your pages land in search results but understanding the depth and nuances of how they’re competing against each other.

  • Utilize SEO Tools: Start by using SEO tools like Google’s Search Console or other premium offerings from reputed marketing agencies. These tools can help you see which pages are ranking for similar keywords.
  • Look for Overlaps: Identify pages that rank for the same keywords, especially if they’re not intended to. This could indicate that you’re competing with yourself.
  • Evaluate Performance: Determine if the presence of multiple pages in the search results for specific keywords is positively or negatively impacting your overall site performance. If you notice a decline in rankings or traffic, cannibalization might be a factor.

Remember, the goal is to have your best content rank for the keywords you’re targeting, not to have multiple pages from your site fighting over the same query.

Reviewing Website Content

After analyzing keyword rankings, the next step is to conduct a thorough review of your website content. This is where you’ll identify potential causes of keyword cannibalization.

  • Audit Your Content: Go through your website and list all pages or blog posts that target similar keywords. This can often happen unintentionally, especially in content-rich sites or those managed by multiple contributors.
  • Understand Intent: For each piece of content, clarify the intent behind targeting specific keywords. Are you trying to sell a product, inform your audience, or attract leads? This clarity can help in redefining content strategies that avoid cannibalization.
  • Content Relevance and Quality: Assess the relevance and quality of the competing content. Could pages be merged or repurposed to prevent overlap? Often, a well-thought-out content consolidation or an update to reflect a unique angle can resolve cannibalization issues.

By carefully reviewing your website content and understanding the intent behind each page, you’re not just addressing keyword cannibalization. You’re also optimizing your site for better user experience, making it easier for visitors to find the information they need without confusion. This in turn not only bolsters your SEO efforts but can also enhance the performance of your digital marketing campaigns.

Preventing and Resolving Keyword Cannibalization

In the quest to optimize your website for better search engine rankings and enhance user experience, addressing keyword cannibalization is crucial. By implementing a series of strategic actions, you can prevent and resolve instances of keyword cannibalization, thus driving more focused traffic to your site and improving the overall effectiveness of your digital marketing efforts. Here’s how:

Creating a Keyword Strategy

Develop a Comprehensive Keyword Map: Your first step should be to create a keyword map that assigns unique primary and secondary keywords to each page of your website. This ensures that every page serves a specific purpose and targets a distinct audience segment, reducing the risk of overlap.

Understand User Intent: Each keyword or phrase you choose should align with the specific intent of your prospective visitors. By understanding what your audience is searching for, you can tailor your content to meet their needs precisely, ensuring that the right people find the right pages on your site.

Regularly Review and Update Your Keyword Strategy: The digital landscape and user behavior are always evolving. Therefore, it’s essential to routinely review and refine your keyword strategy, keeping it aligned with current trends and search patterns. This proactive approach enables you to stay ahead of potential cannibalization issues.

Consolidating Similar Content

Sometimes, the best way to resolve keyword cannibalization is by consolidating similar content pages into a single, comprehensive resource. This not only eliminates competition between your own pages but also enhances the value of the content for your users.

Identify Overlapping Content: Use SEO tools to find pages that target similar keywords or cater to comparable user intents.

Merge and Strengthen: Combine the content of these pages into one authoritative piece, ensuring you incorporate the most valuable and relevant information. This not only streamlines your site but also bolsters the page’s authority in search engine rankings.

Update Internal Linking: Don’t forget to revise your internal linking structure to point to the newly consolidated page. This helps spread link equity and guide users smoothly through your site.

Redirecting Duplicate Content

When consolidation isn’t applicable or preferred, redirecting duplicate content pages to a primary page targeting the keyword can be an effective solution.

Implement 301 Redirects: Identify less performing or duplicate content pages and use 301 redirects to guide search engines and users to the more relevant page. This signals to search engines which page should be considered the authoritative source for the targeted keyword.

Communicate Changes to Your Marketing Agency: If you’re working with a marketing agency, ensure they’re informed about any significant changes to your site’s structure, including redirects. This alignment is critical to maintaining a cohesive and optimized marketing strategy.

Monitor Performance Post-Redirect: After implementing redirects, closely monitor the performance of the redirected pages. Analyze traffic, rankings, and user engagement to ensure the redirects are benefiting your SEO and user experience.

By focusing on creating a robust keyword strategy, consolidating similar content, and effectively redirecting duplicate content, you’re setting the stage for a more organized, user-friendly, and SEO-optimized website. These strategies also empower you to maximize the impact of your marketing efforts, ensuring that each page on your site works towards achieving your overall digital marketing goals.


Understanding and addressing keyword cannibalization is crucial for your website’s SEO health. It’s not just about avoiding competition within your own pages but also about enhancing the user experience and ensuring your site ranks as effectively as possible. By applying the strategies discussed, like creating a keyword map and regularly reviewing your content, you’ll be well on your way to preventing this common issue. Remember, the goal is to make every page on your site work towards the same objective – driving traffic and converting visitors. With a bit of vigilance and ongoing optimization, you can achieve a cohesive, powerful SEO strategy that stands the test of time.

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HoliMont Ski Club

Taking America's largest private ski club from the blue square to double black.

For almost 60 years HoliMont has been committed to creating an environment for generations of families and friends to adventure and build memories together. As America’s largest Private Ski Club, and WNY’s Premier Ski Destination, it was time for a change to reposition the club for the new season they were stepping into. In partnership with their incredibly committed and passionate team, we’ve rolled up our sleeves to not only reintroduce HoliMont as an All-Season Club but to engage new members and remind existing members of how wonderful a place HoliMont is for family, friendship, and fun.

Private Club Sports


Ellicottville, NY

Brand Identity

Refreshing their identity without reinventing it. 

HoliMont has a very recognizable mark with decades of history behind it – so our approach was focused on breathing new life into a timeless logo.


Logo Redesign

Simple & Structured.

Removing the dated styling (shadows, outlines) as well as the caps-case on the word mark helped to reveal a more timeless and versatile logo.

Color Studies & Typography

A high-end, rustic, and elegant take on WNY ski culture

Combining rich greens, rose gold, and a quality typographic system gives HoliMont the recognizable look it deserved.

Brand Texture

Topographic mapping of the 'Mont made for the perfect texture.

We converted a topographic map of Holimont in order to create a series of brand textures to add some intrigue and beauty to the visual identity.

Brand Texture

Topographic mapping of the 'Mont made for the perfect texture.

We converted a topographic map of HoliMont in order to create a series of brand textures to add some intrigue and beauty to the visual identity.

Brand Identity

Custom badges for all of the 'Mont's programs. 

We created unique symbols with illustrations to represent each program within HoliMont. You can see these around the ‘Mont any time you visit!



A premier destination: online and off.

We took the original site and did a complete overhaul, giving HoliMont the impact it deserves for current and prospective members.



A simple yet beautiful experience, even if you're browsing from the chairlift.

A partner dedicated to the outdoors needs a platform that’s easily accessible on the go. We created a seamless, simple design that makes getting the information you need a walk in the park.

Creative Assets

A simple yet beautiful experience, even if you're browsing from the chairlift. ​

A partner dedicated to the outdoors needs a platform that’s easily accessible on the go. We created a seamless, simple design that makes getting the information you need a walk in the park.


Print Materials

A suite of promotional materials for the old souls who prefer something to hold on to. 

From brochures to flyers, signs to branded merch – we’ve done it all to roll out the newly refreshed HoliMont brand.

Photography & Video

Capturing the HoliMont experience.

Our photo and video shoots with the HoliMont staff and members are arguably the most fun any creative team can have while working. 

Photography & Video

Capturing the HoliMont experience.

Our photo and video shoot with the HoliMont staff and members are arguably the most fun any creative team can have while working.

Play Video


Custom icons add an extra splash of fun and also function.

we created custom-branded iconography used throughout both web & print materials to illustrate features and activities offered by HoliMont.


Social Media

All-season content for our favorite all-season club.

Keeping in touch with all of HoliMont’s members has never been so easy, or fun!

Social Media

All-season content for our favorite all-season club.

Keeping in touch with all of HoliMont’s members has never been so easy, or fun!

Digital Advertising

Driving awareness, engagement, and hundreds of new members with a multi-channel digital strategy.

Reintroducing HoliMont as an All-Season Club requires the right attention, at the right time. With a multi-channel digital strategy, we are able to present HoliMont as the perfect destination for family, friendship, and fun.

Digital Advertising

Driving awareness, engagement, and hundreds of new members with a multi-channel digital strategy.

Reintroducing HoliMont as an All-Season Club requires the right attention, at the right time. With a multi-channel digital strategy, we are able to present HoliMont as the perfect destination for family, friendship, and fun.

Adventure Is Calling-300x600

12 Month KPI Snapshot

New Trial Members
New Members
$ 0 .1M+
in Lifetime Value
0 .4x
New Trial Members
0 .4x
New Members

12 Month Marketing Wins

New Trial Members
New Members
$ 0 .1M+
in Lifetime Value
0 .4x
0 .4x
wm-ed youmans

"I would not feel anywhere near as comfortable with the future of HoliMont as I do if not for Williams Media."

Ed Youmans

General Manager



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SingleSource Accounting

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Buffalo, NY


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Digital Marketing

Custom Illustration 



Visualizing the brand.

It was important for us to convey the brand in the most accurate way, so our team also crafted a suite of 24 custom illustrations to demonstrate every aspect of the SingleSource experience.


The Team

Custom headshot illustrations.

Business headshots are boring. We thought we would spice things up by hand-drawing everyone on the accounting team to create an inviting presence while maintaining brand consistency.

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Watertown, NY


Web Design & Development
Digital Marketing

Jade Stone Engineering-23
Jade Stone Engineering-13

“We strongly recommend Michael & his team. After two years, we continue to work with them and they continue to provide results.”

Ben Walldroff


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Buffalo, NY


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Real Estate


Buffalo, NY
Tampa, FL


Website Design & Development
Digital Marketing


Showcasing company expertise.

Their stunning new website delivers a strong focus on company offerings and history, highlighting past and present commercial real estate projects, clientele base, and their extensive portfolio of properties and 3rd party listings.

For over 15 years McGuire Development has been establishing themselves as one of Buffalo’s most trusted commercial real estate firms with an unrelenting focus on customer service. We’ve had an awesome time working with them and are thrilled to partner with such a great company.
Specializing in a wide range of projects, including commercial and residential developments, healthcare facilities, and industrial spaces; their dedication to sustainable and innovative design has made them a trusted name in the region’s real estate landscape. McGuire Development Company continues to contribute to the growth and development of Buffalo, helping to shape its future.
Olivia Basile

"My experience working with the Williams Media team has been nothing short of fresh and energetic, with confident collaboration and creativity. They have surpassed what we could have envisioned on our own, and presented us with a relevant, modern approach to our new site.

Working with requested deliverables and realistic deadlines from the Williams Media team has been smooth with constant communication. They do a great job understanding the direct needs of the client and fitting within budget parameters. They are honest and take the time to make sure the client understands exactly what they need to create a successful site launch."

Olivia Basile

Marketing Manager

McGuire Development
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