Building Products Marketing Success: Track KPIs & Refine Strategies

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In the fast-paced world of construction and home improvement, building products marketing stands as a cornerstone for success. It’s not just about showcasing materials; it’s about telling a story that resonates with architects, builders, and homeowners alike. I’ve navigated through the complexities of this niche, and I’m here to share insights that can transform the way you approach marketing in this sector.

Crafting a compelling marketing strategy for building products demands more than just technical know-how. It requires understanding the pulse of the market, identifying the unique needs of your audience, and delivering solutions that stand out. With years of experience under my belt, I’ve learned that the right approach can not only elevate a brand but also drive substantial growth. Let’s dive into how you can achieve this.

What is Product Marketing?

In my years of experience within the building products marketing realm, I’ve come to understand the core of what makes this field so unique and vital for success. It’s not just about showcasing a product’s features; it’s about crafting a narrative that speaks directly to the needs and aspirations of the audience.

Defining Product Marketing

When I talk about product marketing, I’m referring to the strategic approach to promoting and selling a product to a specific target market. It’s the bridge between a product’s development and its audience, ensuring that the product not only meets the market’s needs but is also positioned correctly to achieve maximum visibility and appeal. Product marketing is multi-faceted, involving market research, branding, communication strategies, and sales tactics, all designed to highlight a product’s unique value proposition.

In the construction and home improvement sectors, product marketing takes on a special significance. Here, products are often complex and require substantial investment, meaning the stakes for effective marketing are high. Through my articles and consultations, I’ve emphasized the importance of not just knowing your product inside and out but also understanding how it fits into the larger market landscape and addresses specific customer pain points.

Purpose of Product Marketing

The ultimate goal of product marketing is to drive demand and usage of a product, but its purpose extends much deeper:

  • Understanding the Audience: Before anything else, it’s crucial to deeply understand who we’re selling to. This involves researching architects, builders, and homeowners to grasp their needs, preferences, and decision-making processes.
  • Differentiating the Product: In a crowded market, standing out is non-negotiable. Product marketing helps pinpoint and communicate what makes our product unique and why it’s the best solution available.
  • Guiding Product Development: Insights gained from market research and consumer feedback often inform future product development, ensuring that new offerings are as attuned to market demands as possible.

By keeping these purposes in mind, I’ve learned that product marketing is not just about making sales; it’s about building lasting relationships with the market and continually adapting to its changes. In the construction and home improvement industry, where trends and needs can shift rapidly, a well-thought-out product marketing strategy can make all the difference.

Importance of Product Marketing

Product marketing in the building products sector isn’t just a necessity; it’s a pivotal component of the industry’s ecosystem. By diving deep into this realm, I’ve uncovered how it transcends mere promotion and touches on the very essence of what makes products resonate with consumers.

Creating Brand Awareness

For me, creating brand awareness is the foundational step in making sure a product doesn’t just blend into the background. In the construction and home improvement markets, where competition is fierce and products can seem highly similar to the untrained eye, standing out is critical. Here’s how I see it:

  • Storytelling: Crafting an engaging story around a product not only captivates but also connects emotionally with the audience. I’ve learned that stories are remembered far longer than facts.
  • Consistency: A consistent message across all platforms ensures the brand stays recognizable. Whether it’s through social media, print ads, or on-site signage, consistency builds a cohesive brand image.
  • Visibility: Increasing visibility through trade shows, online marketing, and collaborations can introduce your brand to a wider audience. It’s not just about being seen; it’s about being seen in the right places.

Generating Leads and Sales

Generating leads and ultimately driving sales is the end goal for any product marketing strategy. But, getting there isn’t as straightforward as one might think. It takes a tactful blend of tactics to crack the code:

  • Targeted Advertising: By targeting ads to specific demographics, I’ve seen firsthand how this can increase the quality of leads. It’s about reaching those who are most likely to be interested in your product.
  • Content Marketing: Offering valuable content that addresses common questions or concerns can establish your brand as a thought leader. This approach not only attracts leads but also builds trust.
  • SEO Optimization: Ensuring your online content is optimized for search engines can dramatically increase visibility and drive organic traffic. Keywords, meta descriptions, and quality content are just the beginning.

In the realm of building products marketing, the importance of bridging the gap between a product and its potential users cannot be overstated. Through strategic brand awareness and lead generation efforts, marketers can pave the way for not just immediate sales, but long-term brand loyalty and engagement as well. It’s a dynamic field where staying abreast of market trends, audience shifts, and digital marketing innovations can make all the difference in carving out a competitive edge.

Key Strategies for Product Marketing

Understanding the Target Audience

Before diving headlong into any marketing strategy, it’s crucial I first identify who my target audience is. Understanding the market isn’t just about knowing who might buy the product, but delving deeper into their pain points, preferences, and purchasing behavior. This understanding shapes every other aspect of my marketing approach. By conducting surveys, analyzing industry reports, and monitoring social media trends, I’ve gathered invaluable insights that allow me to tailor my strategies to speak directly to my audience’s needs. This foundational step ensures that all subsequent efforts are aligned and targeted for maximum impact.

Developing a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

In the competitive landscape of building products marketing, having a distinctive USP sets me apart from the competition. My USP is the cornerstone of my brand identity, highlighting the benefits and features that make my product unique. It answers the critical question of why a customer should choose my product over others. I’ve spent considerable time analyzing the market and my competitors to craft a USP that resonates with my target audience and addresses their specific challenges. Whether it’s unparalleled durability, innovative design, or environmental sustainability, my USP is communicated clearly across all marketing materials to ensure it captures the attention of potential customers.

Creating Compelling Product Messaging

Once I’ve identified my target audience and developed a strong USP, the next step is to create compelling product messaging. This involves crafting narratives that not only inform but also engage and persuade my audience. In building products marketing, I’ve learned it’s crucial to strike the right balance between technical information and the emotional appeal that resonates with homeowners and professionals alike. My messaging encompasses various formats, from blog posts and case studies to video tutorials and interactive webinars, ensuring I cover all bases to effectively communicate the value of my products.

Leveraging Social Media

In today’s digital age, leveraging social media is not optional; it’s essential. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn offer unique opportunities to showcase my products, engage with my audience, and build a community around my brand. By creating and sharing high-quality content that highlights product applications, customer testimonials, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into the manufacturing process, I’ve managed to not only increase brand awareness but also foster trust and loyalty among my customers. Additionally, social media ads allow me to target specific segments of my audience with precision, driving better leads and ultimately boosting sales. Through consistent effort and strategic use of social media, I’ve amplified my reach and strengthened my brand’s presence in the marketplace.

Building a Product Marketing Plan

When diving into the construction and home improvement industry, building a robust product marketing plan is paramount. My years of experience have taught me that a well-structured plan can make the difference between a product’s success or its disappearance in the crowded market space. Let’s break down the essential components of crafting an effective product marketing plan.

Conducting Market Research

The first step I always emphasize is conducting comprehensive market research. Understanding the market landscape, including potential customers, competitors, and the overall industry trends, is crucial. This research provides the foundation for informed decision-making throughout the marketing strategy. Key data points like market size, growth rate, customer preferences, and competitor analysis are invaluable. By leveraging both primary and secondary research, I gain a holistic view of where my product fits within the market and how to position it effectively.

Setting Clear Goals and Objectives

Once I’ve grounded myself in thorough market research, setting clear, measurable goals and objectives is my next priority. It’s essential to outline what I aim to achieve with my product marketing efforts. Whether it’s increasing brand awareness, driving more sales, or entering a new market, having specific, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals guides my strategy and helps in measuring success. For instance, aiming to increase sales by 20% within the first quarter post-launch sets a clear target for my marketing activities.

Developing a Product Positioning Strategy

Developing a strong product positioning strategy is where I start bridging the gap between my product and its potential users. It’s about defining the unique value proposition (UVP) and ensuring that it resonates with my target audience. I focus on what makes my product different and why it’s the ideal solution for my customers’ needs. This involves creating a messaging framework that communicates the benefits and features of the product in a way that appeals to my audience. Effective product positioning makes my product stand out in the crowded marketplace and establishes a strong brand identity.

Creating a Marketing Mix

Finally, creating a well-rounded marketing mix is pivotal for bringing my product marketing plan to life. The traditional 4Ps—Product, Price, Place, and Promotion—serve as a guideline, but I adapt them to fit the digital age and my specific industry.

  • Product: Ensuring my product meets market demands and exceeds customer expectations.
  • Price: Strategically pricing my product to offer value while remaining competitive.
  • Place: Selecting the most effective distribution channels to reach my target audience.
  • Promotion: Utilizing a mix of advertising, content marketing, SEO optimization, and social media to generate buzz and drive sales.

This tailored approach allows me to reach my audience where they are most active and engage them with compelling content that drives action.

Measuring Product Marketing Success

In the realm of building products marketing, gauging the success of your marketing efforts is pivotal. I’ve learned through years of refinement and practice that without effective measurement strategies, even the most meticulously planned marketing campaigns might not reach their full potential. Let’s dive into the core aspects that help measure product marketing success effectively.

Tracking Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Identifying and tracking the right Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is critical. I focus on several KPIs that are most relevant to the building products industry. These generally include website traffic, lead generation metrics, conversion rates, and sales revenue. By closely monitoring these indicators, I can gather actionable insights into how well the marketing strategies are performing.

KPI Description
Website Traffic Measures the number of visitors to your product page or site.
Lead Generation Metrics Tracks the quantity and quality of leads generated.
Conversion Rates The percentage of leads that turn into customers.
Sales Revenue The total earnings generated from product sales.

It’s not just about the numbers, though. Understanding the story behind these metrics enables me to make informed decisions about where to optimize and where to double down.

Analyzing Customer Feedback

Listening to what customers are saying about your product is invaluable. I make it a point to collect customer feedback through surveys, social media, and direct communication. This feedback offers insights into customer satisfaction and highlights areas for improvement.

Moreover, customer testimonials and reviews provide authentic proof of the product’s value, which can be leveraged in future marketing strategies. It’s this loop of feedback and refinement that ensures the product and its marketing remain closely aligned with customer needs and expectations.

Refining and Iterating Marketing Strategies

The beauty of digital marketing lies in its flexibility. Based on the KPIs and customer feedback, adjusting and refining the marketing strategy is an ongoing process. I’ve realized that what worked yesterday might not work tomorrow, thus staying agile and responsive is key.

This involves A/B testing different aspects of the marketing mix, experimenting with new channels, or tweaking the messaging. Each iteration brings new learnings and opportunities for growth. The ultimate goal is to create a marketing strategy that is not just effective today but is also adaptable to the future needs of the market and the customers.

By closely tracking KPIs, listening to customer feedback, and continually refining marketing strategies, I’ve found it’s possible to not only measure the success of product marketing efforts but to also drive meaningful improvements. Each of these components plays a crucial role in building a strong foundation for sustained growth in the competitive landscape of the building products market.


Navigating the competitive landscape of the building products market demands a strategic approach to marketing. I’ve learned that the key to success lies in the meticulous tracking of KPIs and the thoughtful analysis of customer feedback. By focusing on these areas I can ensure that my marketing strategies are not just effective but also highly responsive to the ever-changing demands of the industry. It’s clear that staying agile and continuously refining my approach is not just beneficial—it’s essential. This journey of constant improvement and adaptation is what will ultimately set my marketing efforts apart and drive real, measurable success in the building products market.

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HoliMont Ski Club

Taking America's largest private ski club from the blue square to double black.

For almost 60 years HoliMont has been committed to creating an environment for generations of families and friends to adventure and build memories together. As America’s largest Private Ski Club, and WNY’s Premier Ski Destination, it was time for a change to reposition the club for the new season they were stepping into. In partnership with their incredibly committed and passionate team, we’ve rolled up our sleeves to not only reintroduce HoliMont as an All-Season Club but to engage new members and remind existing members of how wonderful a place HoliMont is for family, friendship, and fun.

Private Club Sports


Ellicottville, NY

Brand Identity

Refreshing their identity without reinventing it. 

HoliMont has a very recognizable mark with decades of history behind it – so our approach was focused on breathing new life into a timeless logo.


Logo Redesign

Simple & Structured.

Removing the dated styling (shadows, outlines) as well as the caps-case on the word mark helped to reveal a more timeless and versatile logo.

Color Studies & Typography

A high-end, rustic, and elegant take on WNY ski culture

Combining rich greens, rose gold, and a quality typographic system gives HoliMont the recognizable look it deserved.

Brand Texture

Topographic mapping of the 'Mont made for the perfect texture.

We converted a topographic map of Holimont in order to create a series of brand textures to add some intrigue and beauty to the visual identity.

Brand Texture

Topographic mapping of the 'Mont made for the perfect texture.

We converted a topographic map of HoliMont in order to create a series of brand textures to add some intrigue and beauty to the visual identity.

Brand Identity

Custom badges for all of the 'Mont's programs. 

We created unique symbols with illustrations to represent each program within HoliMont. You can see these around the ‘Mont any time you visit!



A premier destination: online and off.

We took the original site and did a complete overhaul, giving HoliMont the impact it deserves for current and prospective members.



A simple yet beautiful experience, even if you're browsing from the chairlift.

A partner dedicated to the outdoors needs a platform that’s easily accessible on the go. We created a seamless, simple design that makes getting the information you need a walk in the park.

Creative Assets

A simple yet beautiful experience, even if you're browsing from the chairlift. ​

A partner dedicated to the outdoors needs a platform that’s easily accessible on the go. We created a seamless, simple design that makes getting the information you need a walk in the park.


Print Materials

A suite of promotional materials for the old souls who prefer something to hold on to. 

From brochures to flyers, signs to branded merch – we’ve done it all to roll out the newly refreshed HoliMont brand.

Photography & Video

Capturing the HoliMont experience.

Our photo and video shoots with the HoliMont staff and members are arguably the most fun any creative team can have while working. 

Photography & Video

Capturing the HoliMont experience.

Our photo and video shoot with the HoliMont staff and members are arguably the most fun any creative team can have while working.

Play Video


Custom icons add an extra splash of fun and also function.

we created custom-branded iconography used throughout both web & print materials to illustrate features and activities offered by HoliMont.


Social Media

All-season content for our favorite all-season club.

Keeping in touch with all of HoliMont’s members has never been so easy, or fun!

Social Media

All-season content for our favorite all-season club.

Keeping in touch with all of HoliMont’s members has never been so easy, or fun!

Digital Advertising

Driving awareness, engagement, and hundreds of new members with a multi-channel digital strategy.

Reintroducing HoliMont as an All-Season Club requires the right attention, at the right time. With a multi-channel digital strategy, we are able to present HoliMont as the perfect destination for family, friendship, and fun.

Digital Advertising

Driving awareness, engagement, and hundreds of new members with a multi-channel digital strategy.

Reintroducing HoliMont as an All-Season Club requires the right attention, at the right time. With a multi-channel digital strategy, we are able to present HoliMont as the perfect destination for family, friendship, and fun.

Adventure Is Calling-300x600

12 Month KPI Snapshot

New Trial Members
New Members
$ 0 .1M+
in Lifetime Value
0 .4x
New Trial Members
0 .4x
New Members

12 Month Marketing Wins

New Trial Members
New Members
$ 0 .1M+
in Lifetime Value
0 .4x
0 .4x
wm-ed youmans

"I would not feel anywhere near as comfortable with the future of HoliMont as I do if not for Williams Media."

Ed Youmans

General Manager



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SingleSource Accounting

SingleSource Logo Main

Your one-stop shop for outsourced accounting services.

We partnered with SingleSource to create a forward-thinking, playful and engaging website to uniquely position the startup within the saturated landscape of financial services. SingleSource takes pride in making state-of-the-art accounting solutions accessible to businesses of all sizes using their unique people + technology approach. With powerfully simple visuals and effective user flow, this conversion-optimized site was built to foster their growth.




Buffalo, NY


Web Design & Development

Digital Marketing

Custom Illustration 



Visualizing the brand.

It was important for us to convey the brand in the most accurate way, so our team also crafted a suite of 24 custom illustrations to demonstrate every aspect of the SingleSource experience.


The Team

Custom headshot illustrations.

Business headshots are boring. We thought we would spice things up by hand-drawing everyone on the accounting team to create an inviting presence while maintaining brand consistency.

let’s work together

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Jade Stone Engineering


Award-winning, NY-based engineering firm that services clients across America.

Jade Stone Engineering is an award-winning, NY-based engineering firm that services clients across America. JSE strives to remain approachable, easy to work with, and consistent in their practical problem-solving skills through mechanical, electrical, and plumbing engineering. We’ve had the privilege of partnering with JSE on our entire service line- including a brand refresh, website transformation, video production, SEO & hyper-target digital marketing.




Watertown, NY


Web Design & Development
Digital Marketing

Jade Stone Engineering-23
Jade Stone Engineering-13

“We strongly recommend Michael & his team. After two years, we continue to work with them and they continue to provide results.”

Ben Walldroff


Jade Stone Engineering
let’s work together

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EMS Wealth Management


A partnership of four family-owned agencies.

Committed to Western New York with over 100 years of licensed experience and over $150 Million in assets under management, EMS Wealth Management is a full-service financial firm with a broad range of specialties including personal financial planning, 401(k) & employer sponsored retirement plans, estate planning and insurance products. Williams Media worked with them to develop a new identity under the EMS brand as well as a new website, sales brochures & stationary.




Buffalo, NY


Web Design & Development

let’s work together

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McGuire Development


Ensuring the highest industry standards in development and property management.

Williams Media was hired to work with the McGuire Development Company on the design and development of their new website. It had been about 10 years since their last site was built, so their team was adamant about taking a thoughtful and strategic approach to the establishment of their “Digital Headquarters.” This included custom photography throughout the website of their Buffalo, NY headquarters that ties together their physical and digital headquarters, confidently welcoming past and current clientele.


Real Estate


Buffalo, NY
Tampa, FL


Website Design & Development
Digital Marketing


Showcasing company expertise.

Their stunning new website delivers a strong focus on company offerings and history, highlighting past and present commercial real estate projects, clientele base, and their extensive portfolio of properties and 3rd party listings.

For over 15 years McGuire Development has been establishing themselves as one of Buffalo’s most trusted commercial real estate firms with an unrelenting focus on customer service. We’ve had an awesome time working with them and are thrilled to partner with such a great company.
Specializing in a wide range of projects, including commercial and residential developments, healthcare facilities, and industrial spaces; their dedication to sustainable and innovative design has made them a trusted name in the region’s real estate landscape. McGuire Development Company continues to contribute to the growth and development of Buffalo, helping to shape its future.
Olivia Basile

"My experience working with the Williams Media team has been nothing short of fresh and energetic, with confident collaboration and creativity. They have surpassed what we could have envisioned on our own, and presented us with a relevant, modern approach to our new site.

Working with requested deliverables and realistic deadlines from the Williams Media team has been smooth with constant communication. They do a great job understanding the direct needs of the client and fitting within budget parameters. They are honest and take the time to make sure the client understands exactly what they need to create a successful site launch."

Olivia Basile

Marketing Manager

McGuire Development
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