Everything you need to know about the StoryBrand process

Need help creating a Storybrand website?

What is the StoryBrand Process?

The Storybrand framework was developed by Donald Miller, and is a 7-part process that helps you to simplify your message, convey it clearly to your customers, and generate more leads for your organization. By understanding the fundamental elements of storytelling and applying them to your brand’s messaging, you can clarify your message, engage your customers on a deeper level, and drive meaningful action. With a clear and captivating narrative powered by the step-by-step framework, you can position your brand as the solution to your customers’ needs and create a lasting impact in their minds. We utilize the Storybrand framework as a basis for creating impactful website content and inbound marketing strategy that moves the needle for our partners.

The Storybrand Elements

Below are the seven elements of the Storybrand process.

  1. Character: Identify the customer as the hero of the story, and position your brand as the guide who can help them achieve their goals.
  2. Problem: Clearly articulate the customer’s pain points and challenges, and demonstrate your understanding of their struggles.
  3. Plan: Present your brand as the solution to the customer’s problem, and outline a clear and actionable plan for how your product or service can help them achieve their desired outcome.
  4. Call to Action: Clearly and persuasively tell the customer what action they should take next, and make it easy for them to follow through.
  5. Success: Paint a picture of what success looks like for the customer, and how your brand can help them achieve their goals.
  6. Failure: Highlight the consequences of not taking action, and how the customer’s life or business will be negatively impacted if they don’t choose your solution.
  7. Transformation: Show the customer how their life or business will be transformed by using your product or service, and how they will be better off as a result.

The Header

The header section of your website is the first thing users see when they visit your site, so it’s important to make a great impression. This section should include attention-grabbing content that communicates what your brand is all about.

What to include/examples:

  • Your logo prominently displayed at the top left
  • A large, clear statement that highlights the main benefit your customer will receive (e.g. “Take control of your finances”)
  • A brief and concise description of your company’s services or products (e.g. “Expert bookkeeping and financial forecasting for restaurants”)
  • A clear call-to-action button that prompts users to take action (e.g. “Schedule a demo”)
  • An image that showcases a happy customer using your product or service and achieving success. This can be a static image, a slideshow, or even a video background if appropriate.

The Value Stack

The value stack section is a powerful tool for communicating the benefits that your company can provide to potential customers. It should feature three concise and impactful statements that highlight the key successes your customers can achieve by working with you. These statements should clearly differentiate your company from competitors and emphasize the unique value you offer.

The purpose of this section is to help readers understand how your company can improve their lives or solve their problems. By presenting your value stack in a clear and compelling way, you can increase the perceived value of your product or service right from the moment users land on your site. You can use short titles or longer descriptions as needed to effectively convey your message.

What to include/examples:

A simple statement, or title and description for each value, such as:

  • Say goodbye to stress with expert guidance
  • Stay organized with cutting-edge tools and technology
  • Save time and money with our streamlined workflows and optimized processes.

The Stakes

The stakes section is an opportunity to show your readers that you understand their challenges and that it’s essential for them to address these issues for their well-being. This section should convey a sense of urgency and emphasize the high stakes involved in not taking action.

It’s important to remember that every compelling story has stakes, and your website is no exception. By highlighting the potential consequences of not solving their problems, you can help readers see why they need your product or service.

What to include/examples:

  • “Inadequate receipt tracking could lead to financial chaos and missed opportunities”
  • “Tax time can be a nightmare without proper preparation and organization”
  • “Running out of cash reserves could threaten the stability of your business”
  • “Neglecting your financial management could cost you valuable time and opportunities”

The Value Proposition Section

The value proposition section of your website is a key element in convincing your readers that your product or service is right for them. This section should clearly and concisely explain the value that you can provide, whether through your primary services or top-level benefits.

A simple and effective way to present this information is through a grid or back-and-forth section format that features an introduction to each of your primary services or benefits, along with a brief description sentence that outlines its value.

What to include/examples:

A title and description for each service or point, along with an image that helps explain and clarify the value. Such as:

  • Bookkeeping: Expert management of your financial records to help you stay organized and save time
  • Financial Forecasting: Accurate and insightful projections that can help you plan for the future and make informed decisions
  • Monthly Check-Ins: Ongoing support and guidance to ensure your finances stay on track and you achieve your goals

The Guide Section

The guide section of your website is an opportunity to show your readers that you understand their challenges and that you have the expertise to help them succeed. This section should convey empathy, demonstrate your authority, and build trust with potential customers.

It’s important to strike the right balance between highlighting your expertise and being humble. The goal is to show that you can solve your readers’ problems without coming across as overly self-promotional.

What to include/examples:

  • Empathetic statement: A statement that shows you understand the difficulties your readers face (e.g. “We know that managing your finances can be overwhelming, and we’re here to help”)
  • Customer testimonials and photos: Real-world examples of how your product or service has helped others succeed
  • Logos of clients you’ve worked with, press logos, or certifications: External validation that demonstrates your expertise and credibility

Packages & Pricing

If you choose to display your pricing or packages on your website, the packages and pricing section is an opportunity to showcase the value and benefits of working with you.

When designing this section, aim to keep your packages simple and easy to understand, with an emphasis on value and benefits over technical features and specs.

What to include/examples:

  • Title of package(s)
  • Brief description of who it’s for and the intended target market
  • 3-5 value points explaining the benefits of the package and how it can help your reader win
  • Simple price and interval
  • Button link to the primary call to action
  • A guarantee to sweeten the deal, if applicable
  • Recommended package, if applicable
  • Strikethrough pricing for active discount offers, if applicable

The Plan

The purpose of the Plan section is to provide a clear and concise roadmap for potential clients to take action and work with you. By breaking down the process into simple steps, it reduces any confusion or uncertainty and increases the likelihood of conversion.

What to include/examples:

  1. Schedule a Consultation
  2. Select a Package that fits your needs
  3. Experience the benefits of our services

It’s important to make the final step a positive outcome to motivate the reader and create a sense of achievement. Additionally, you can use action-oriented language such as “Get Started Today” or “Take Control of Your Finances” to prompt action.

The Call to Action

This section is where you convince your potential customer to take action and convert, and sums up the extent of your offer. State the problem that your customer faces, the solution to their problem that you offer, and the success they’ll see when they work with you.

What to include/examples:

  • Begin with an attention-grabbing statement that identifies the customer’s problem and highlights your solution. For example, “Are you tired of spending endless hours managing your finances? Let our team of experts handle it for you with our hassle-free bookkeeping services.”
  • Follow up with a supporting sentence that summarizes the benefits of your offer. For example, “With our bookkeeping services, you’ll have more time to focus on growing your business while we take care of your finances, A-Z.”
  • Include the primary call to action verbiage that links to the proper next step or lead capture. For example, “Get started today by scheduling a consultation with one of our experts. -> Book a Demo”

Remember to keep your language concise and persuasive, and use action-oriented verbs to encourage your potential customers to take action.

The Lead Magnet/Transitional CTA

The Lead Magnet Section is a valuable opportunity to capture the email address of your readers through an opt-in that can integrate with your CRM, especially for those who are interested but not fully ready to convert.

It allows you to provide a free resource that can help solve a problem your reader is facing, building trust and encouraging them to take the next step. This can be followed up with an email sequence to nurture the relationship and increase the chances of future conversion.

To create an effective lead magnet, focus on providing a resource that addresses a specific pain point or challenge your target audience is experiencing.

What to include/examples:

You can also offer a specific e-course, or company newsletter opt-in as an alternative if you deliver valuable content there. Ensure that the opt-in process is seamless and that the lead magnet is delivered promptly upon sign-up. Some examples are:

  • “10 easy tips to organize your company finances”
  • “5 proven strategies to reduce stress and anxiety”
  • “The ultimate guide to mastering a new skill in 30 days”

The Blog Reel (optional)

The Blog Reel section is an optional but powerful tool that can be used to showcase your brand’s expertise and authority on a subject. It provides an opportunity to display a few of your most relevant and engaging blog posts that support your main offer and help establish credibility with your audience.

When selecting blog posts to feature, it’s important to choose content that’s relevant to your audience’s interests and pain points, as well as your brand’s unique value proposition. These posts should also be well-written, informative, and engaging, providing valuable insights and practical tips that your readers can use to address their challenges.

Overall, the blog reel section is a great way to demonstrate your brand’s thought leadership and expertise while engaging your audience with relevant and valuable content. By showcasing your most compelling and relevant blog posts, you can build trust and establish your brand as a go-to resource for your audience’s needs – which ultimately encourages them to make a conversion.

What to include/examples:

  • Prominent articles, with eye-catching headlines and engaging visuals, to entice visitors to read more.
  • Content that supports your main offer and adds additional trust, context, and further establishes credibility

Examples blog reel titles are:

  • “10 Tips for Effective Budgeting”
  • “How to Build a Winning Marketing Strategy,”
  • “The Top 5 Accounting Mistakes Small Business Owners Make.”

Frequently Asked Questions

The section aims to provide further clarification to readers who may still have questions after going through the entirety of the page. It not only showcases questions that others have asked but also the corresponding answers, which can strengthen the perception of social proof and establish your brand as a leading provider of solutions.

Moreover, the FAQ section can contribute to boost SEO by allowing you to insert a significant amount of search-optimized content, potentially leading to your questions being indexed to viewers on primary search pages.

What to include/examples:

  • “How can I determine if [xyz service] is right for me?”
  • “How does your guarantee work?”
  • “How are you different from other brands?”

The Footer

The footer is a great place to include additional pages and links without distracting readers with too many options in the top navigation. It’s also a good place to include essential information about your brand and website.

What to include/examples:

  • Your logo
  • Social media links
  • Your primary call to action button
  • Quick links to important internal pages such as About Us, Contact, FAQs, and Blog.
  • Utility items such as Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Copyright Info.

Putting it all together

The StoryBrand process offers a powerful framework for crafting compelling and effective messages that resonate with your target audience. By understanding the fundamental elements of storytelling and applying them to your brand’s messaging, you can clarify your message, engage your customers on a deeper level, and drive meaningful action. With a clear and captivating narrative, you can position your brand as the solution to your customers’ needs and create a lasting impact in their minds. Whether you’re revamping your website, refining your marketing strategy, or honing your overall brand communication, adopting the StoryBrand approach can be a game-changer in forging authentic connections and driving business success.

Need help creating a Storybrand website?

Our proven website design & development process makes it easier than ever to get started.


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